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Winning ‘the 47 Percent’

Winning ‘the 47 Percent’

Single women, people of color and young people – the Rising American Electorate — voted for change in 2008. To understand the dynamics of this election, Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund and Democracy Corps engaged in a three-phase research project with a...
New Poll with Resurgent Republic for NPR

New Poll with Resurgent Republic for NPR

This is the second bipartisan survey for NPR conducted by Democracy Corps and Resurgent Republic.  It is based on a national likely voter survey of 800 interviews, with an over-sample of interviews in the battleground states.  The observations herein do not...
Who are the 47%?

Who are the 47%?

Just who has Mitt Romney written off?  More than half of all Obama voters attended college.  More than half of all Obama voters are women.  And more than half consider themselves to be middle class.  
Obama Builds Real Lead in Presidential Contest

Obama Builds Real Lead in Presidential Contest

President Obama emerged from his convention with the biggest lead of the year in our polling—and at 50 percent in the race.  According to the latest national survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps, the President holds a 5-point lead on the ballot, up a...
A Pivotal Political Moment on Health Care

A Pivotal Political Moment on Health Care

Republicans are running heatedly on health care – repealing “ObamaCare” – and it is a cornerstone of their strategy.  Winning on health care is critical to their motivation and to what they believe is the edge they need to ultimately prevail over Obama and...
Democrats can win the health care argument

Democrats can win the health care argument

We learned a great deal about health care reform in the survey we conducted together with Resurgent Republic for NPR.  Above all, Democrats can feel very comfortable talking about it and engaging the Republicans and outside Super PACs with confidence that they...
President Obama makes gains in winnable race

President Obama makes gains in winnable race

Romney and Republicans hit ceiling from unfavorability President Obama’s approval has improved to 47 percent, and he now leads Mitt Romney on the ballot by a 3-point margin, 49 percent to 46 percent—a net 3-point improvement since last month, according to the latest...