A new survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research for Democracy Corps reveals voters’ growing anger with Washington. This survey fielded at a unique time – just as Standard and Poor’s announced its credit rating downgrade. As a result, these results...
BARACK OBAMA can’t catch a break from the American public on the economy, even though he prevented a depression and saved global capitalism. Perhaps the president finds solace in knowing he’s not alone. During this period of economic crisis and...
This special web survey and experimental exercise produces a powerful economic message framework for the President and Democrats in Congress. These messages significantly shift which party voters trust to address the economy and spending, which party is on your side...
A national web survey conducted this week by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner on behalf of Democracy Corps, shows that Independent voters do not trust House Speaker John Boehner and the Congressional Republicans on the debt ceiling and budget deficit debate. These swing...
We just want to underscore recommendations that we offered earlier on strongest messaging in the debt-ceiling debate – both for independent swing voters and the broad progressive base. These points move the needle. In this e-alert, we will only highlight...
The latest poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps confirms recent political and economic trends. The survey was of 1000 likely 2012 voters conducted June 18-21, 2011. Margin of error: +/-3.1 percentage points unless otherwise noted.
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Democracy Corps, in conjunction with Revolution Messaging, conducted a straw poll of progressive activists, journalists, and bloggers at the Netroots Nation conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the third year the straw poll has been...
Finding a path to economic credibility is the Democrats’ biggest challenge – and this major new research study shows a path for Democrats to gain the ascendancy on the economy.[1] Current Democratic narratives fail to meet voters where they are and how...
Republican leaders and conservative pundits have spun Democrat Kathy Hochul’s upset win in New York’s 26th Congressional District as exceptional – with peculiar ballot lines, Tea Party independents, quality of the candidates, and Democratic...
Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, to be embraced by the House Republican majority today, faces serious obstacles in winning public support, according to a new national survey by Democracy Corps and Campaign for America’s Future.[1] The Republican...
The Republicans’ proposed budget cuts are in trouble in the 50 most competitive Republican-held Congressional districts – nearly all of which gave a majority to Obama in the last presidential election. Support drops dramatically after respondents hear...
A new survey by Democracy Corps in 50 of the most competitive Republican-held Congressional districts – nearly all of which gave a majority to Obama in the last presidential election – shows the new Republican majority very much in play in 2012.[1]Â This...
A new survey by Democracy Corps in 50 of the most competitive battleground Congressional districts – nearly all of which gave a majority to Obama in the last presidential election – shows the new Republican majority very much in play in 2012. The...
The budget debate could provide progressives with an opportunity to win back the support of a constituency key to regaining power in 2012 – the unmarried women, people of color and youth who make up the Rising American Electorate (RAE) – according to a...
The Republican assault on the budget is starting to lose the country – just as they unveil the scale of their cuts and the specific targets. And this survey conducted by Democracy Corps shows how Democrats and progressives can best frame their budget message,...
President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union, for the most part, struck a powerful chord as he described his economic vision for the country. Although a few sections received mixed reactions, following the speech, voters gave the President impressive assessments on...
Dial testing and follow-up discussions with 50 swing voters in Denver, Colorado showed that President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union struck a powerful chord as he described his economic vision for the country. This was a difficult audience for Obama, yet his...
A new survey by Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund and Democracy Corps shows that the new House majority misread American voters. Moreover, this research provides a new opportunity for progressives to reclaim critical blocs of voters who with-drew their...
The voters have a clear and dramatic message for the new Republicans in Congress and the President on the eve of his State of the Union Address: focus on jobs and the economy and show how America is going to be economically successful again. This is not a nuanced...
2010 was a voter revolt against Democratic governance during an economic and jobs crisis. Above all, voters were frustrated with the lack of progress on unemployment, the seeming ineffectiveness of the president’s policies, a shortage of sustained focus on...