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Toward Renewal and Leadership

As President Obama issues his new national security strategy, a new Democracy Corps-Third Way survey shows the president continues to earn stronger marks on national security than on the economy or on his overall approval. Moreover, there are signs the...

Getting to a Powerful Choice on the Economy

The lack of movement in our monthly economic monitor even after a quarter of job growth underscores the urgency of progressives advancing an effective economic message. The current messages coming from President Obama and the national Democrats are demonstrably...

How to Survive 2010

Democrats need to make substantial political progress in the next six months.  The basic problem is math.  Currently independent voters prefer Republicans over Democrats by two to one in congressional trial heats.  Other groups, such as blue collar...
Congressional Battleground Survey

Is this the Final Chapter or a New Chapter?

We still do not know how this story ends.  We could be at the beginning of a new, six-month chapter with voters growing more invested in the country’s current course and shifting their thinking about the issues and stakes.  Or we could be locked into...

Focus Group Report

Report on Democracy Corps focus groups conducted with independents and weak partisans in Bala Cynwyd Pennsylvania and Denver Colorado.

Mixed Messages on the Deficit

The federal budget deficit is a growing problem for Americans, with a stream of mixed messages from voters. Most describe it as a crisis – outpacing even unemployment – but there is little consensus on where to cut the fat. Spending on the wars in Iraq and...

Something is Happening

In the New York Times op-ed piece today, ‘A Win is a Win,’ we highlight some very big changes. Yes, there has been some movement on health care – before the vote – but more dramatic is the pull back from Republican members of Congress and their...

Public Backs Obama as a Wartime President

Even with Washington, D.C., consumed by fights over health care and jobs, President Barack Obama is still having to wage two real wars and the battle against an ongoing terrorist threat. A new poll says the public mostly approves how he is handling the security...

The Challenge of Getting the Real Economy Right

The biggest challenge facing Democrats in 2010 after passing health care is getting the economy right – and this is even more important than health care. While economic growth is better than contraction and stagnation, it poses immense problems for progressives...

Greenberg: How to Avoid a Repeat of 1994

In his new essay for The New Republic, Stan Greenberg examines how the current political environment may feel eerily similar to the days when he was in the White House advising President Bill Clinton going into the 1994 midterm elections, which turned disastrous for...