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Creating a down-ballot Democratic wave

On Friday, Democracy Corps released our most recent national survey showing Hillary Clinton with an 11-point lead over Donald Trump (48 to 37 percent, with 8 percent for the Libertarian).  Importantly, it showed the Democrats with an 8-point lead in the named...

Edging toward an earthquake election

Democracy Corps’ new poll on behalf of WVWVAF shows the country edging toward an earthquake in November.[1] Hillary Clinton already holds a 13-point margin against Donald Trump and a 6-point lead over Ted Cruz, just a point short of Obama’s margin in 2008.  But seven...

Reform and a winning 2016 strategy

By Stan Greenberg & Page Gardner. This appeared on The Hill’s Congress Blog on February 3, 2016. These are days of rage in American politics.  Americans believe that the political and economic systems are rigged against them, that the government works only...
Voters Demand Government & Political Reform

Voters Demand Government & Political Reform

A major new study conducted by Democracy Corps and Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund demonstrates the strength of a new progressive narrative leading into the 2016 Election Year. This narrative puts a middle class agenda at the center of the economic debate, but...

Greenberg’s America Ascendant Sparks Big Debate

What Senator Elizabeth Warren says:”Stan called me a few weeks ago and he said, ‘I have a book that I finished and I think you’re going to like it.’ He sent it over and boy was he right. It was exactly my kind of book. It was full of all kinds of fabulous...

Why 2016 could be shattering for Republicans

By Stanley B. Greenberg, author of the new book “America Ascendant.” This article appeared in the Washington Post. Election Day 2016 will produce a shattering crash larger than anything the pundits anticipate because the revolutionary economic and social...