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Public Embraces Stiglitz “Rewriting the Rules” Economic Agenda: Roosevelt Institute “Level the Playing Field” Plan Motivating Progressives in 2016

Public Embraces Stiglitz “Rewriting the Rules” Economic Agenda: Roosevelt Institute “Level the Playing Field” Plan Motivating Progressives in 2016

Earlier this year, the Roosevelt Institute released its Rewriting the Rules economic agenda crafted by Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.  What it offered sounded like a new common sense: the economy is governed by underlying rules; they are a choice and...

Progressive Strategy for the White Working Class

Two months ago, a number of progressives who are part of a group called the TDS White Working Class Roundtable gathered under the auspices of The Democratic Strategist and the Washington Monthly to discuss a strategy paper I authored. The group, moderated by Ed...

A New American Agenda for a New American Majority

Democrats are well positioned leading into next year’s elections if they give their base, particularly unmarried women, a reason to turn out and vote.  As this research demonstrates, the promise of an agenda that addresses the real economy of everyday Americans...
The Average Joe’s Proviso

The Average Joe’s Proviso

Surprising numbers of white working-class voters will support the Democratic agenda—if Democrats promise to reform the government that would carry it out. By Stan Greenberg This article is featured in the June/July/August 2015 issue of Washington Monthly. The...
A New Formula for a Real Democratic Majority

A New Formula for a Real Democratic Majority

By Stan Greenberg This article appears in the Spring 2015 issue of The American Prospect magazine.  What is the biggest obstacle to Democrats truly winning a national election and pursuing a progressive agenda? What is the biggest obstacle to Democrats winning big...

Evolving Strategy for Progressives

This report makes recommendations based on three distinct research projects executed by Democracy Corps for WVWVAF over the last month, including a national survey of 950 likely voters, focus groups with white working class voters in Tidewater, Virginia, and dial...

Tuesday and What It Tells Us About 2016

The main message of the election and take-away from this election-night poll[1] is surely a call to the Democrats’ national leaders to address this new economy where jobs do not pay enough to live on, working women and men are struggling without help, and good...

If Democrats hold the Senate, here’s why.

Reason #1 African American turnout surprised everyone.  Black voters are now high turnout voters even in off-year elections — we saw this in Virginia last year and James Carville says it will happen in Louisiana this year. There and elsewhere voter suppression is...