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State of the Union 2014

State of the Union 2014

It’s Time: On Tuesday night Democracy Corps and Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund will conduct live dial meter tests and focus groups with swing voters in Colorado.  Don’t miss Stan Greenberg’s expert...

Revolt Against Congress: Game On

Key Points: This poll is in the congressional battleground looking at named incumbents and is virtually the only window into what is really happening.  Appreciate the attention this has gotten. Yes, the health care roll-out and reduced presidential standing has...
Unmarried Women Cast Deciding Votes in Virginia Election

Unmarried Women Cast Deciding Votes in Virginia Election

On November 5, 2013, Terry McAuliffe won the gubernatorial election with the overwhelming support of Virginia’s unmarried women.  Unmarried women, who gave McAuliffe two thirds of their votes, matching President Obama’s vote among this group, were decisive in the...

Seniors could decide this election

When all the dust is settled in the off-year elections, we may decide it was seniors who gave the Democrats their chance for a comeback.  We have flagged this growing trend before, but the pattern is now too consistent to ignore.  When Republicans swept...
38 Percent: A new national survey on the ACA

38 Percent: A new national survey on the ACA

A new national survey conducted for Democracy Corps and the Women’s Voices Women’s Vote Action Fund[1] shows an intense new majority for implementing and improving the Affordable Care Act. A minority of voters want to repeal or replace “Obamacare,” which has been the...
Mapping the Republican Brain

Mapping the Republican Brain

The Republican Party is descending into unchartered realms of unpopularity with the country, even as its deepening divisions leave it immobilized in the face of doomsday budget deadlines.[1] If you want to know why Speaker Boehner has appealed to Democrats for help,...
Engaging confidently on health care reform

Engaging confidently on health care reform

Republicans will run on health care reform in 2014 and 2016, so get used to it. But do not believe that it will give them a better chance of securing their seats or the best shot at putting competitive Democratic seats in danger.  Democrats in the most rural and...
The Women’s Economic Agenda

The Women’s Economic Agenda

Last week, House Democrats released a new policy agenda called “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds.”   Their agenda is divided into three broad policy areas—pay, work and family balance, and childcare—with policies in each category aimed at addressing...
The Urgent Policy Agenda

The Urgent Policy Agenda

Less than a week after Paul Ryan released his latest budget—which would slash funding for Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and child care—Republicans released a new report announcing that they will try harder to connect with young voters, minorities, and women. ...

New surveys from Democracy Corps

The two newest surveys from Democracy Corps, a phone survey conducted March 9-12, 2013 of 950 2012 voters and a web survey of 1500 2012 voters conducted March 1-7, 2013, show the worry voters feel, both personally and for the country, over the sequester. They also...