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The State of the Republican Party

Our first Democracy Corps national survey of 2013 shows the Republican Party and Congress unpopular and out of step with mainstream politics and values. ·         The Republican Party brand has steeply eroded since Election...
The Mandate on Taxes

The Mandate on Taxes

President Obama won an Electoral College landslide and a 4-point national victory – against the great odds posed by prolonged high unemployment, lack of income gains, a barely perceptible recovery and political gridlock that kept his job approval at just 50 percent at...
The real election and mandate

The real election and mandate

President Obama won an Electoral College landslide and a 3 or 4-point national victory – against the great odds posed by prolonged high unemployment, lack of income gains,  a barely perceptible recovery and political gridlock that kept his job approval at just 50...
Voters Push Back Against Big Money Politics

Voters Push Back Against Big Money Politics

In 2012, campaigns and outside groups spent a breath-taking $6 billion at the federal level, more than one billion of it was by Super PACs. A post-election survey conducted November 6-7, 2012 by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and Public Campaign Action...

And Voters Had a Lot to Say Too

Last night was a good night for President Obama, Democrats, progressives and the country – and the voters had a lot to say about what determined their vote and what they want done to bring change.  Democracy Corps has partnered with a range of progressive groups...
Obama closing with a 4-point lead

Obama closing with a 4-point lead

The final national survey for Democracy Corps shows Obama ahead with a 4-point lead in the presidential race, 49 to 45 percent (actually, 3.8 points to be exact).  This represents a slight improvement since our last poll, which fielded before the final...
Cell phones: why we think Obama will win the popular vote, too

Cell phones: why we think Obama will win the popular vote, too

We will poll this week – awaiting the unfolding storm on the East Coast – but we want to share why we think the national tracking averages likely underrepresent Obama’s vote.  The main issue is cell phones and the changing America that most are under-representing. ...