Democracy Corps’ recent poll of white persuadable voters in Louisiana shows that it is possible to shift white voters late in the race and in a run-off election. Bill Cassidy’s support is not very strong, and surprisingly, these voters still listen to arguments about the choice in this election and still respond to new information.
In some ways, the strongest new attack is the attack on Cassidy for his support of the Supreme Court decision that allowed wealthy special interests and big corporations to spend unlimited secret money to buy the election and for protecting CEOs from higher taxes while working men and women struggle. This picks up on the massive spending and TV advertising flooding Louisiana.

This statement shifts the kind of voters that Cassidy needs to win away from him. This statement is very focused on how billionaires use their money to make sure government works for them, while hurting working people. It does not get into the Koch brothers argument — which looks more political and partisan and gets caught up with attacks on the oil industry — which is not needed.