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Battleground Surveys

Battleground surveys at Democracy Corps focus on the most competitive states across the nation. We provide deep insight into the voting trends of those states that will determine the presidency and the senate.

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The Change Campaign That Can Contest America

The Change Campaign That Can Contest America

A report on a new baseline battleground web-survey. President Biden trails Donald Trump by 5 points in the battleground states and loses at least another point when we include the independent candidates who get 17 percent of the vote. Biden is trying to win these...

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Moving to scale to win on health care

The humiliating retreat of President Trump and Speaker Ryan on the Obamacare replacement was a powerful moment for working class women,...

The millennial strategy

Millennials are poised to give Hillary Clinton and Democrats a big margin in November's election if they are engaged to vote...

Creating a down-ballot Democratic wave

On Friday, Democracy Corps released our most recent national survey showing Hillary Clinton with an 11-point lead over Donald Trump (48 to 37...

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