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National Surveys

National surveys at Democracy Corps cover a range of topics for both Presidential and Senate races. We provide industry-leading polling data that provides deep insight into the voting trends across the nation.

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Trump’s engaged party defining the battle for 2022

Trump’s engaged party defining the battle for 2022

We conducted a large, mostly cell phone survey with an oversample of Republicans in the 2022 battleground for the U.S. Senate, governorships, and House, and it is painfully clear Don-ald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Kevin McCarthy know their party. The Trump loyalists who strongly approve of him are two-thirds of those who identify as, “Republican.” And they are joined by the Trump aligned to form a breathtaking, three quarters of the party in the electoral battleground...

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Winning the Budget Debate

The Republican assault on the budget is starting to lose the country - just as they unveil the scale of their cuts and the specific targets. ...

Another Look At Health Care

A new survey by Women's Voices. Women Vote Action Fund and Democracy Corps shows that the new House majority misread American voters....


November 2nd was a very bad day for Democrats - indeed, the worst since November 8, 1994 when Democrats lost their four-decade hold on...

National Survey

National survey of 800 likely voters conducted October 23-25, 2010.

The Power of Messages to Close the Vote

The positive movement for Democrats in the congressional vote tracking has fallen back this week. Republicans hold a 5-point lead at 50 to 45...

A Progressive Comeback?

Democracy Corps's tracking this week and last week report a closing congressional vote.  Any movement at all in the Democratic direction...