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National Surveys

National surveys at Democracy Corps cover a range of topics for both Presidential and Senate races. We provide industry-leading polling data that provides deep insight into the voting trends across the nation.

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First poll of 2020 cycle – wow!

First poll of 2020 cycle – wow!

Democracy Corps has conducted its first national poll of the 2020 cycle and the more you stare at the data, the more you conclude that voters are intent on making history again. This memorandum is focused on the degree of engagement, the consolidation of Democrats, the landslide 2020 margins among the base, and the white working class, split on gender lines.  READ THE MEMO VIEW THE PRESENTATION

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Congressional Battleground Survey

From April 16-21, 2009, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1500 likely voters in 40 Democratic-Held and 15 Republican-Held Districts...

Report on the Obama Generation

In a recent interview with Rachel Maddow, John McCain's daughter Meghan McCain warned her party that it was, “on the precipice of becoming...

National Survey

From March 4-8, 2009, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1000 voters in the 2008 election nationwide.

Obama Breaks Through Polarization

PRESIDENT INSPIRES CONFIDENCE ACROSS PARTY LINES In his speech to the nation tonight, Barack Obama managed to break through the partisan...

President Obama’s Political Project

With so much of the public's attention on President Obama's economic recovery package and plans for rescuing the financial system, Democracy...