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National Surveys

National surveys at Democracy Corps cover a range of topics for both Presidential and Senate races. We provide industry-leading polling data that provides deep insight into the voting trends across the nation.

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Failing GOP tax scam big opportunity

Failing GOP tax scam big opportunity

The new tax cut law – the Republicans’ signature legislative accomplishment – is unpopular, and increasingly so, as a majority have not seen any personal benefit and believe the tax cut primarily benefits corporations and the wealthy at their expense. Critically, contrary to the Trump-GOP narrative about the booming economy, more people say the economy isn’t strong for people like them because their wages aren’t rising or keeping up with costs. That tough reality gives...

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The New Partisan Landscape

The latest Greenberg Quinlan Rosner survey for Democracy Corps and a close examination of the three months of surveys this year reveal a new...

Getting the Public to Listen

The 2006 election pointed to the public's deep dissatisfaction with the status quo in Washington and with government and represented a...