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June National Survey

The latest poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps confirms recent political and economic trends. The survey was of 1000 likely 2012 voters conducted June 18-21, 2011. Margin of error: +/-3.1 percentage points unless otherwise noted.

Netroots Continue to Show Strong Support for President Obama

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Democracy Corps, in conjunction with Revolution Messaging, conducted a straw poll of progressive activists, journalists, and bloggers at the Netroots Nation conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the third year the straw poll has been...

New York’s 26th is not Alone

Republican leaders and conservative pundits have spun Democrat Kathy Hochul’s upset win in New York’s 26th Congressional District as exceptional – with peculiar ballot lines, Tea Party independents, quality of the candidates, and Democratic...

Paul Ryan to seniors: Drop Dead.

Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, to be embraced by the House Republican majority today, faces serious obstacles in winning public support, according to a new national survey by Democracy Corps and Campaign for America’s Future.[1] The Republican...
Republican-Obama Battleground Contested

Republican-Obama Battleground Contested

A new survey by Democracy Corps in 50 of the most competitive Republican-held Congressional districts – nearly all of which gave a majority to Obama in the last presidential election – shows the new Republican majority very much in play in 2012.[1] This...
Republican-Obama Battleground Contested

Congressional Battleground 2012

A new survey by Democracy Corps in 50 of the most competitive battleground Congressional districts – nearly all of which gave a majority to Obama in the last presidential election – shows the new Republican majority very much in play in 2012. The...