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October Surprise?

We are very close to believing that the 2010 election can move to a new place. Our latest poll shows the Democrats with a 6-point deficit–”and any shift will have a significant impact on the number of House seats and the hold on the Senate. This conclusion and...

How To Talk to the Rising American Electorate

Democrats need to learn again how to talk to the voters who brought them success in 2006 and 2008. The Party continues to slide toward what will likely prove the most challenging election cycle since 1994.’s average of national surveys has...

Democrats Should Want This Tax Cut Debate

This will be a tough election, but fortunately, the unfolding tax issue can work strongly to help Democrats and define the choice in the election.  This is a case where Democrats are strongly aligned with public thinking and priorities.  Only 38 percent...

End of July Tracking: Real Economic Indicators

Monthly tracking from Citizen Opinion shows troubling trends in the public’s experience, perceptions and conclusions. Virtually every personal measure has returned to the lowest point on our seven months of tracking and macro-expectations have darkened too....

Netroots Nation Straw Poll Results

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Democracy Corps, in conjunction with Revolution Messaging, conducted a straw poll of progressive activists, journalists, and bloggers at the Netroots Nation conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the third year the straw poll has been...