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It’s jobs, stupid.

The voters have a clear and dramatic message for the new Republicans in Congress and the President on the eve of his State of the Union Address: focus on jobs and the economy and show how America is going to be economically successful again. This is not a nuanced...

What Next for President Obama and Democrats?

2010 was a voter revolt against Democratic governance during an economic and jobs crisis. Above all, voters were frustrated with the lack of progress on unemployment, the seeming ineffectiveness of the president’s policies, a shortage of sustained focus on...


November 2nd was a very bad day for Democrats – indeed, the worst since November 8, 1994 when Democrats lost their four-decade hold on the House of Representatives, control of the US Senate and 472 state legislative seats across the country. Newt Gingrich...

Republicans Should Not Misread the Mandate

Republicans should not misread the mandate and the changes that came out of this big election.  This post-election survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and the Campaign for America’s Future digs deeply into what produced this...

The Power of Messages to Close the Vote

The positive movement for Democrats in the congressional vote tracking has fallen back this week. Republicans hold a 5-point lead at 50 to 45 percent after a month of Democratic gains with the race narrowing to a 2-point margin last week, but importantly, the survey...

A Progressive Comeback?

Democracy Corps’s tracking this week and last week report a closing congressional vote.  Any movement at all in the Democratic direction is notable given the unprecedented disparity in independent campaign expenditure this cycle and continued disheartening...

Race Narrows with Further Message Clarity

It is three weeks to the election – and Democrats are in position to finish closer.  That is the possible ‘October Surprise’ we spotlighted last week.  For sure, the Democrats are still behind, in grueling race-by-race battles against...