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Democrats Gaining in Battleground and Ryan Budget Could Finish the Job

Women Push Back in the Battleground

In 2010, Republicans won the women’s vote for the first time in 30 years. Republicans rewarded this support with a raft of legislation hostile to the interests of women, beginning with one of their first pieces of legislation, H.R. 3, which attempted to redefine...
New Phase and Shifting Balance

New Phase and Shifting Balance

The latest national survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund shows a Republican Party in deepening trouble and emerging underlying trends that may have shifted the balance for 2012.[1] Barring sudden...
Democrats Gaining in Battleground and Ryan Budget Could Finish the Job

The Explosive Republican-Obama Battleground

The latest Democracy Corps survey of the Republican House battleground seats confirms that 2012 will be an explosive year. These Republicans swept into Washington on the tide of a change wave but are now facing what could be a change election with an even higher wave,...

New York’s 26th is not Alone

Republican leaders and conservative pundits have spun Democrat Kathy Hochul’s upset win in New York’s 26th Congressional District as exceptional – with peculiar ballot lines, Tea Party independents, quality of the candidates, and Democratic...

Paul Ryan to seniors: Drop Dead.

Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, to be embraced by the House Republican majority today, faces serious obstacles in winning public support, according to a new national survey by Democracy Corps and Campaign for America’s Future.[1] The Republican...