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Georgia: The Unlikely New Frontier

Barack Obama has no business winning in Georgia this year. Neither does U.S. Senate candidate Jim Martin. Yet both Democrats are within striking range in a state President Bush carried by 17 points in 2004, and where in the last six years Republicans replaced...

And it’s not just TV…

OBAMA’S CAMPAIGN DOMINATING MCCAIN’S IN ALL AREAS OF VOTER CONTACT IN THE PRESIDENTIAL BATTLEGROUND STATES As reports emerge of Barack Obama far outspending John McCain’s campaign in key battleground states, Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan...

Obama Emerges Ahead in Ohio

On the heels of the news that John McCain permanently suspended his campaign in economically strapped Michigan, its southern neighbor Ohio now favors Barack Obama over McCain 49 to 43 percent, a lead built on an impressive 48 to 35 percent edge among independent...