This first Democracy Corps national survey of the New Year shows Republicans at risk at every level.[1] On the ballot, Republicans are in serious danger. For the first time since the 2010 election, Democrats have taken the lead in the congressional vote and this...
The economic outlook could not be darker or more important. Voters’ economic mood and judgments about the leaders and parties on the economy are the main drivers and strongest predictors of the presidential and congressional votes in this survey. And which party...
The latest national survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps reveals an intensely anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-Wall Street moment. Three quarters of all voters say the country is on the wrong track; just 15 percent believe we are heading in...
The Democracy Corps-Campaign for America’s Future straw poll of Take Back the American Dream conference participants found strong support for President Obama and the jobs bill but also reveals a strong desire to go further and strong support for independent...
Regaining the support of the Rising American Electorate – unmarried women, people of color, and younger voters – and motivating these voters to turn out is crucial for President Obama’s reelection and congressional victories in 2012 among...
A new survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research for Democracy Corps reveals voters’ growing anger with Washington. This survey fielded at a unique time – just as Standard and Poor’s announced its credit rating downgrade. As a result, these results...
This special web survey and experimental exercise produces a powerful economic message framework for the President and Democrats in Congress. These messages significantly shift which party voters trust to address the economy and spending, which party is on your side...
A national web survey conducted this week by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner on behalf of Democracy Corps, shows that Independent voters do not trust House Speaker John Boehner and the Congressional Republicans on the debt ceiling and budget deficit debate. These swing...
We just want to underscore recommendations that we offered earlier on strongest messaging in the debt-ceiling debate – both for independent swing voters and the broad progressive base. These points move the needle. In this e-alert, we will only highlight...