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SOTU 2018: No Sugar High

SOTU 2018: No Sugar High

President Donald Trump delivered a remarkably unsuccessful, unimpactful State of the Union on Tuesday. This is according to live dial-meter research conducted for Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund by Democracy Corps among 108 Rising American Electorate (RAE)...

2018 at a Breaking Point? Not Yet, Says New Poll

Over the last three months, Democrats have doubled their margin in the generic congressional ballot to an 11-point advantage among registered voters and an 8-point lead among likely voters nationally. That is near the 9-point margin Democrats won in 2006 when they...

Disruptive changes among key voters in 2017

There are big forces at work in the coming year that could produce an earthquake of an off-year election, including a parade of indictments, the GOP civil war playing out in Republican primaries, a congressional impasse on everything, a wrong track number nearing 75...

NAFTA Renegotiation Requires Innovative Progressive Response

Trump’s unexpected victory has disrupted progressive strategies to dominate this period, but no area has been disrupted more than trade. No other area leaves progressives more uncertain on their message and how to proceed. No other area will require as new and...

How She Lost

By Stanley Greenberg for the Fall 2017 issue of The American Prospect. Hillary Clinton’s tragic 2016 campaign faced withering criticism in the press, social media, and now, in Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’s inside account, Shattered. From my vantage point as...

Tools for a Wave in 2018

The first wave of Women’s Voices. Women Vote Action Fund’s ongoing web-panel of persuasion and turnout targets with simultaneous national phone survey conducted by Democracy Corps provides progressive leaders and allies with credible tools to turn 2018 into a...

The Democrats’ “Working Class Problem”

This article originally appeared in The American Prospect on June 1st as part of the series on the White Working Class and Democrats. The road to a sustainable Democratic majority—nationally, locally, and in the states—must include much higher Democratic performance...

Moving to scale to win on health care

The humiliating retreat of President Trump and Speaker Ryan on the Obamacare replacement was a powerful moment for working class women, financially pressed unmarried women, millennials, and minorities – both the Clinton and Trump voters. Based on the findings of...

Macomb County in the Age of Trump

The path for Democrats to take back Trump voters and win down-ballot runs through the nation’s working class communities, starting in the formerly industrial states and Upper Midwest. That is why Democracy Corps decided to conduct our first focus groups of 2017 in...