Democracy Corps conducted a web survey of 2,234 voters from August 1 to August 10, 2024, in key battlegrounds for the presidential, House, and Senate races. The data includes a representative sample of 1,364 registered voters and oversamples of Black, Hispanic, and Asian American voters, weighted to reflect the projected 2024 electorate. Despite 64% wanting change due to high prices, border issues, and crime, Kamala Harris holds a 3-point lead, with strong favorability...
Battleground Surveys
Battleground surveys at Democracy Corps focus on the most competitive states across the nation. We provide deep insight into the voting trends of those states that will determine the presidency and the senate.
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The Key Role the Child Tax Credit Can Play: New Survey of Nation, Battleground, and Competitive CDs
2022 is a tough year where Democrats are behind in the generic vote (-2) and enthusiasm (-4)...
How Democrats run stronger with all working class voters
• Key one — recognizing that the overwhelming majority of our diverse base is the hardworking...
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The millennial strategy
Millennials are poised to give Hillary Clinton and Democrats a big margin in November's election if they are engaged to vote...
Consolidating Democrats: The strategy that gives a governing majority
On the eve of the first major presidential debate, the latest likely voter survey of the battleground states on behalf of Women’s Voices....
Creating a down-ballot Democratic wave
On Friday, Democracy Corps released our most recent national survey showing Hillary Clinton with an 11-point lead over Donald Trump (48 to 37...
9 State Battleground Poll: Trump’s Rustbelt play bound to disappoint, Clinton stronger than Obama in diverse states
Donald Trump’s unpopularity, beliefs, values and leadership qualities are forging a new 2016 battleground for the election of the President...
Senate Battleground: The Path to Retaking the Senate
A major new survey in four U.S. Senate battleground states shows that Democrats are within striking distance of the majority in 2016. ...
Child and College-Tuition Credits Equally Important to Voters, the Progressive Base & White Working Class
With the 113th Congress returning to D.C. for its final weeks of this session, it is important for the public to weigh in on the “tax...
Millennials Demand Action on Climate, Will Punish “Ignorant” Politicians Who Deny Climate Change
A new survey[1] of presidential-year millennial voters in four critical battleground states, conducted for NextGen Climate and Democracy...
Louisiana Attacks
Democracy Corps' recent poll of white persuadable voters in Louisiana shows that it is possible to shift white voters late in the race and in...
Impacting the White Electorate in Louisiana
A new Democracy Corps survey of likely white voters in Louisiana shows that while Mary Landrieu is in a difficult position and most likely...
It's the Middle Class, Stupid!
by James Carville & Stan Greenberg Books 9780142196953
Government has really screwed things up for the average American. Work has been devalued. Education costs are out of sight. Effort and ambition have never been so scantily rewarded. Political guru James...
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