The new tax cut law – the Republicans’ signature legislative accomplishment – is unpopular, and increasingly so, as a majority have not seen any personal benefit and believe the tax cut primarily benefits corporations and the wealthy at their expense. Critically, contrary to the Trump-GOP narrative about the booming economy, more people say the economy isn’t strong for people like them because their wages aren’t rising or keeping up with costs. That tough reality gives progressives an opportunity to hit these leaders for their corrupt deal for their corporate donors, while being out of touch and indifferent to the struggles of the middle class and working people.
The final pre-election poll conducted by Democracy Corps for the American Federation of Teachers, like the average of public polls, shows the Democrats just at the edge of the wave election for which progressives are battling. It also tells progressives to stay on offense in the closing weeks. Embracing the public’s anger with other leaders’ out-of-touch portrayal of their economic lives genuinely shifts vote support toward Democratic candidates and increases turnout.