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National Surveys

National surveys at Democracy Corps cover a range of topics for both Presidential and Senate races. We provide industry-leading polling data that provides deep insight into the voting trends across the nation.

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The Democratic Wave is Now Apparent

On behalf of Women’s Voices, Women Vote Action Fund, Democracy Corps has conducted an ‘Election Night’ survey of 1,250 registered and 2018 voters nationally, including of 900 voters in 15 battleground states in 2018 and 2020. This post-election study shows that Democrats were able to create a powerful brew that produced major gains in the House and states, despite apportioned districts rigged to be unassailable and election laws engineered to suppress...

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The Republican Disconnect

A SPECIAL NATIONAL SURVEY OF REPUBLICAN PARTY SUPPORTERS With the country poised for its second wave election, Republican supporters are on a...

National Survey

From October 21-23, 2008, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1000 likely voters.

National Survey

From October 15-19, 2008, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1,000 likely voters nationwide.

YFTW: Ready to Change America

Young people stand poised to change this country. They deliver huge margins to Obama, are motivated to vote, reveal due appreciation for the...

National Survey

From October 1 - 5, 2008, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1000 likely voters nationwide.

Obama Emerges with First Real Lead

In Democracy Corps' national and presidential battleground surveys conducted this week among likely voters, Barack Obama has emerged with the...

Survey on the Financial Crisis

From September 22-24, 2008, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1007 likely voters nationally and 1128 likely voters in the presidential...