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Louisiana Attacks

Louisiana Attacks

Democracy Corps’ recent poll of white persuadable voters in Louisiana shows that it is possible to shift white voters late in the race and in a run-off election. Bill Cassidy’s support is not very strong, and surprisingly, these voters still listen to arguments...
Impacting the White Electorate in Louisiana

Impacting the White Electorate in Louisiana

A new Democracy Corps survey of likely white voters in Louisiana shows that while Mary Landrieu is in a difficult position and most likely trailing slightly, the race can be moved and Landrieu has a path to achieving the level of white support that is required to win...

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Battling big money in the Senate battleground with real consequences for 2014 A new poll of the 12 states where control of the Senate is being contested, fielded by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and Every Voice, a major new advocacy effort, shows that...
The Urgent Economic Narrative for 2014

The Urgent Economic Narrative for 2014

The economy is still the main issue in the 2014 election, impacting the mood of the country, driving likely voter turnout, and defining what is at stake. With voters uncertain of President Obama and the Democrats’ direction on the economy, Democratic voters are 7...