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National Surveys

National surveys at Democracy Corps cover a range of topics for both Presidential and Senate races. We provide industry-leading polling data that provides deep insight into the voting trends across the nation.

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The Rising American Electorate & White Working Class Strike Back

The Rising American Electorate & White Working Class Strike Back

The Democrats had a very big election on Tuesday, with a 7-point national congressional margin that allowed them to pick up 35 House seats, to elect a record-breaking 100 women to the House, and to flip six statehouses and seven governors’ mansions. Democrats now occupy nearly half of the 50 governors’ mansions, including winning all of the races in the Blue Wall states that allowed Donald Trump to win the Electoral College. In winning control of the House, Democrats...

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National Survey

From May 13-15, 2008, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1014 likely voters nationwide.

YFTW: Growing the Youth Vote

A new "Youth for the Win" survey with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner finds that young voters are on pace to deliver a big Democratic margin in...

YFTW: The MySpace Election

A new survey of young voters, the first in a series of "Youth for the Win" projects, confirms that this emerging group is deeply engaged in...

The New Middle Class Populism

A new Democracy Corps survey shows that to capture voters' support on economic issues as they have on health care, Democrats should pursue a...

Winning the Immigration Issue

In their latest strategy memo for Democracy Corps, Stan Greenberg, Al Quinlan, Mark Feierstein, and James Carville offer a progressive...

Finding their Voice as Agents of Change

Voters are determined to vote for change and they want leaders who will work for the middle class, putting the interests of the public and...