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A Historic and Consequential Debate

A Historic and Consequential Debate

On behalf of Page S. Gardner’s PSG Consulting, Democracy Corps on June 27, 2024, conducted online dial meter research during President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump’s live debate, among 374 registered voters nationally. Key line groups include:...
The Trump Horror Show and Stark Choice

The Trump Horror Show and Stark Choice

On February 5 & 6, 2024, Democracy Corps conducted focus groups with GOP moderate women from the Philadelphia suburbs, Black men in Detroit, and Hispanic women in Nevada. The groups were recruited and moderated by Z to A Research. Respondents first watched five...
Duh, it’s the economy stupid!

Duh, it’s the economy stupid!

Inflation and cost of living were the top national issues, and they were national. Governors of both parties were popular and did well promoting their own economic progress and policies. But voters did expect candidates for the House and Senate to address the spiking...
Winning a Cost of Living+ Election

Winning a Cost of Living+ Election

Democracy Corps conducted a national web survey among 2,770 registered voters from Sept. 9-15, 2022. The data include a base sample of 1,270 registered voters, with large oversamples of 500 Black voters, 500 Hispanic voters, and 500 AAPI voters. The oversample data...
Battling to a Democratic Win in 2022

Battling to a Democratic Win in 2022

Democrats face the most daunting internal problems and headwinds getting to a winning margin in the 2022 midterms, yet this angry and Republican-leaning electorate gives them a 2-point margin in the vote. Democracy Corps conducted a national web survey among 2,500...